Jubilatores — Cantigas & Medieval Delights

[15.7.2017  9:48 GMT+2]

medieval.org | jubilatores.com | jubilatores.com/concert

Cantigas & Medieval Delights
    Jubilatores - Barry Ebersole
    Jubilatores jub-006 [CD]
Rel. 1999

    Non sofre santa Maria (Cantigas de Santa Maria #159)
    Virgen Madre gloriosa (Das festas de loor de Santa Maria #2) CSM 340/412
    Des oge mais quer eu trobar (Cantigas de Santa Maria #1)
    Mult amar devemos (Cantigas de Santa Maria #36) Muit'
    Mult amar (drums)
    Bache Bene vines (Carmina Burana #200) venies
    Ce fu en mai (Monio d'Arras, attrib.) Moniot
    Como poden per sas culpas (Cantigas de Santa Maria #166)
    Lamento di Tristano / Rotta (Italy, c. 1300)
    M'saddad (13th Cent. Moorish Spain)
    Orientis partibus (13th Cent. Latin song)
    Saltarello (13th Cent.)
    Quen a Virgen ben servir (Cantigas de Santa Maria #59)
    Madre de Deus ora por nos (Las Fiestas de Santa Maria #12)
CSM 422

Más repeticiones.

Un poco crudo lo de
"This 13th century piece comes from Moorish held Spain"
A lo mejor es el ruido que hacía Spain intentando escapar...
Y lo de datarlo tan precisamente en el siglo XIII cuando justamente la held Spain era ya casi ná, pues...

Barry Ebersole — oud, medieval fyddle, guitarra latina, and percussion
Charissa Ebersole — mezzo-soprano, transverse flute, recorder, dulzina, shawm, harp
Shoshannah Ebersole — soprano, medieval fyddle, bowed psaltry, percussion
David Nelson — baritone/countertenor, lute, bowed psaltry, harp, plucked psaltry, percussion
Kelsey Arnold — woodwinds
Robert Brett — percussion, strings
Teresa Brett — keyboards, psaltry
Michael B. Vercelli — percussion

(2796,1294,98,1500104930,205,2796,'(+) Jubilatores - Cantigas & Medieval Delights','last'
[15.7.2017  9:48 GMT+2]

[15.7.2017  18:23 GMT+2]  •  sp

Ensembles WEB @ http://www.jubilatores.com/

CSM Madre de deus (mp3)

performance document CSM 103 (pdf)

Plus three interesting articles in pdf about medieval instruments (linked from inside the ensembles web page)

13th Century Psaltery
13th Century Guitarra Latina (some material about Santiago's Pórtico da Gloria)
English Fyddle 1050 - 1100 c.e.

I also just noticed the ensemble offers a CRD reprint service for there 3 "sold out recordings"
See http://www.jubilatores.com/products.html
including the one ABOVE
"These first 3 are available by cdr special order only now"

(2798,1294,98,1500135829,113,2798,'Re: (+) Jubilatores - Cantigas & Medieval Delights','spooky' - 1500137110,
[15.7.2017  18:23 GMT+2]  •  sp