Lamentio... once again

[3.3.2018  5:05 GMT+1]  pf (3160,1532,7,1520049942,203,3160,'Lamentio... once again'

Venezia Millenaria / Jordi Savall

Lamento que "Lamentatio" sea "Lamentio" (CD1, 15).
There are many words. It is very easy to miss some syllables.

It's also Lamentio in the track list.

It only appears as Lamentatio in the lyrics.

[By the way ... Raíces & Memoria, vol. XXV !!! - upper left corner]

[3.3.2018  10:05 GMT+1] (3161,1532,7,1520067927,205,3161,'Re: Lamentio... once again','last','','',1,1520068098