The Psaltery, eight different types of psaltery  /  Nelly van Ree Bernard

reconstruction designs, instrumental improvisations / variations & recitation
Eurosound, NvRB-51.CD,


[36:00 + 36:00]

Disc 51-I

see book The Psaltery, pp. 19-20
1-6. 6 improvisations on re-fa-sol-la (1-6), NvRB-24   [5:30]   Nelly van Ree Bernard, 1981

see book The Psaltery, pp. 23-27
Cantigas de Santa Maria, Alfonso X, NvRB-09
7. a. Quen a omagen da Virgen (353), NvRB, 1977  [6:35]   CSM  353
8. b. Quen a Virgen ben servira (103), NvRB, 1977  [4:38]   CSM  103

see book The Psaltery, pp. 42-43
9.  [12:02]   NvRB-11
Prosa XIII, Codex Huelgas
a. In sapiencia disponens omnia   [4:35]   Hu  62
Cantigas de Santa Maria, Alfonso X
b. Non deve null' ome (50), NvRB, 1977  CSM  50
c. Soltar pode muit' agynna (176), NvRB, 1977  CSM  176

see book The Psaltery, pp. 45-48
10. a. Bâdâļî barasai kyûn nî e, NvRB, 1985   [2:55]   Indian folk-song (from Rajasthan)
11. b. Santa Maria amar (7), NvRB, 1985  [3:45]   Cantigas de Santa Maria, Alfonso X   CSM  7

Disc 51-II

1. c. Oi me lasso, NvRB, 1985   [2:36]   lauda, Laudario Cortona
2. d. Por que llorax blanca niña, NvRB, 1985  [3:47]   Sephardic song

see book The Psaltery, pp. 51-53
Cantigas de Amigo (Martin CODAX)  NvRB-16
3. a. Ondas do mar de Vigo (1), NvRB, 1983  [4:04]   ca  I
4. b. Ay ondas que eu vin veer (7), NvRB, 1983  [2:02]   ca  VII
5. c. Mia yrmana fremosa (3), NvRB, 1983  [2:55]   ca  III

see book The Psaltery, pp. 60-62
6. a. Els quintos quan s'en anaren   [1:55]   Spanish folk-song (from Alicante)
7. b. Yasodâji ke hue Naňdalâla, NvRB, 1982   [2:16]   Indian folk-song (from Uttar Pradesh)

see book The Psaltery, pp. 69
8. a. Minue   [0:32]   Pablo Minguet i Irol
9. b. Entrad pastores, entrad, NvRB, 1987   [1:55]   Spanish folk-song (from Alicante)

see book The Psaltery, pp. 85-89
Sephardic Songs, NvRB, 1983
10. a. Un pregón pregonó el rey   [0:51]
11. b. Madre, la mi madre   [2:07]
12. c. No vo comer mi vo beber   [1:07]
13. d. Madre, la mi madre   [2:48]
14. e. Un pregón pregonó el rey   [0:51]

Nelly van Ree Bernard, The Psaltery, NvRB-47
An annotated audio-visual review of chfferent types of psaltery,
Frits Knuf publishers - Buren -Netherlands 1989 - (168 pp., illustrations, notations, drawings)

Recording engineer: Ernest Scheerder, EUROSOUND, Herveld-NL, 1980-1988
Cover drawing & Layout: NvRB-2002 - Production CDs: SSSR, Rotterdam-NL
NvRB-51.CD - Edition Muziekcentrum 'Het Duintje', Bennebroek-Holland - 2002

Nelly van Ree Bernard was born in the Netherlands in 1923 and grew up in Spain, where she gained her piano diploma at Academia Marshall in 1945 [Barcelona]. She studied guitar with Alfredo Romea [Barcelona]. She finished her studies in interior design in 1949 [Amsterdam]. She studied harpsichord with Jaap Spigt [Amsterdam] from 1960 onwards and spent a year [1968/69] in India studying Hindustani music with Dr Premlata Sharma [Varanasi]. After her return from India she gradually changed from harpsichord to clavichord and she began to concentrate on 16th century Spanish music, greatly helped by Dr Santiago Kastner [Lisbon]. She formed the vocal-instrumental ensemble MUSICA IBERICA and she began to re-design 'lost' early instruments [various types of psaltery and very early clavichords], which were built after her working drawings by different instrument-makers in Germany and Holland. She reconstructed the playing methods of the 'reborn' instruments recording the different aspects in publications and on LPs, cassettes and CDs. She has been giving lectures and courses on Hindustani music, Early Iberian music and Sephardic music in the Netherlands and abroad. Since 1966 she has been organizing concerts, lectures, exhibitions and demonstrations of instruments, at her music centre HET DUINTJE [Bennebroek, Holland], where about 70 European and non-European instruments, including her own reconstructions [three clavichords and eight psalteries], were permanently on show for visitors until 1993. From 1986 to 1993 she has been a board member of HET NEDERLANDS CLAVICHORD GENOOTSCHAP [The Dutch Clavichord Society, founded in 1986]. Besides in Holland, Nelly van Ree Bernard has presented musical activities in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States of America.

Bennbroek, April, 2002