Love of a Land Far Away  /  Nicholas Breeze Wood

Recordings 1989-92 — Volume 1 |
Wootie Records / Nicholas Breeze Wood

2014 (1989-1992)

1. Words  [5:05]

2. Born For This Moment  [2:56]

3. Aurenga  [8:20]

4. Como Poden  [1:37]   CSM  166
Anon., 13th c. Spanish from the Cantigas de Santa Maria

5. Saffron  [1:48]

6. Oceans  [5:19]

7. Dance Royale  [3:48]
Anon., 13th c. French

8. I See No More  [4:05]
Words: Bernart de Ventadorn, 12th c.

9. For What It's Worth  [4:22]

Nicholas Breeze Wood plays
medieval lute · medieval plucked psaltery · medieval harp · mandola · guitarra morisca ·
sinfonye · gusla · gittern · medieval tabor and long drum · timbrel · bells ·
tambourines and frame drums · six hole pipes, recorders and bagpipe chanter.

A collection of vintage recordings.
Recorded between 1989 and 1992, on a simple 4-track cassette ports-studio.

All pieces written by Nicholas Breeze Wood, except those noted.
All pieces arranged and performed by Nicholas Breeze Wood.